
1 min

The Best Friend Approves

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

“Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life; you can barely remember what life was like without them.” – Anna Taylor

This is a perfect description of my close friendship with Jeffrey and Nick.

Nick is a newer addition to my family, but it feels more like this spot in my life has simply been waiting for him all this time.

I’ve been best friends with Jeffrey for over 13 years. He’s more than my best friend, he’s my family. We’ve leaned on one another through difficult times and he fills my memories with some of the most brilliant moments I’ve had the privilege of living.

Jeffrey and Nick are warm, humble, and nurturing to all of their surroundings. They fill a home with such generous light in which creates an environment of mindfulness, encouraging compassion and acceptance. When I learned that they had made the commitment to starting their family, I was met with feelings of joy as I could not know two individuals more prepared to share their lives with a child than they.

Jeffrey and Nick would offer any fortunate child a wonderfully loving home in which to not only foster their dreams, but fulfill them. Their affections and empathetic perspectives would provide a child the means to reach their full potential and invest in self-love, an asset I’m sure we could all agree is more necessary now than ever.

I know this dream will come true for them because their love is unstoppable.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” - Maya Angelou